So proud of our MNA State Nurses! Did you see this item from the Governor’s Office? Here’s the press release:
St. Paul, MN – Today the Minnesota State Employees Combined Charities Campaign presented their 2011 donations in support of Minnesota charities. The donations, totaling $842,639.13, will benefit 39 charitable federations working in communities across the state to support vital health, education, arts, and social service programs. The campaign consists of 2,320 state employees that chose to donate a portion of their paycheck towards a charitable organization via payroll deduction.
Lt. Governor Prettner Solon, the honorary chairperson of the campaign, presented the ‘big check’ to ten federation representatives at an event this morning in the Governor’s reception room.
“I am so proud of our state employee workforce.” Lt. Governor Prettner Solon said, “The willingness to give their time, energy, and a portion of their paycheck to these wonderful organizations is an example of their extraordinary commitment to serve the public and to make Minnesota a better place.”
The event also recognized four state employees with individual ‘Hero Awards’ for their commitment to the campaign. Wendy Legge, Department of Labor and Industry, Sally Kupferschmidt-Minnesota State Retirement Services, Ben Benson-Department of Administration and Paul Zipoy-Department of Revenue were each recognized for their efforts; going above and beyond the call of duty and making a significant difference during the 2011 campaign.