What is this? The MNA Daily NewsScan is a round up the day’s biggest nursing, health care and organized labor stories. As news unfolds in real-time, we update the NewsScan with new links and info, so check back often!
Stories we’re scanning:
Health Care
- MNA RN Jean Ross Called to Testify on Accretive: MNA RN Jean Ross, one of the Presidents of National Nurses United, has been asked by Sen. Al Franken to testify tomorrow about her nightmare experiences with Accretive Health inside Fairview Ridges Hospital. We’ll be Live Tweeting and LiveStreaming the hearing, which starts at 10 a.m. inside the Minnesota State Capitol, so stay tuned! (UPDATE: The Pioneer Press has already posted an online story about Jean’s upcoming testimony.
- Fighting the Real Enemy: Cancer in America – Read the heartfelt commentary from National Nurses United’s Donna Smith.
Labor Updates
- CEO Rounding: Commentary calls on hospital management to take specific steps, become more successful in connecting with staff members.
- MNA Releases new (and Free!) e-book: MNA recently published a new multimedia e-book called “Share This! Labor Unions and Social Media” in Apple’s iBookstore. You can download it for FREE on your iPad right now! Here’s the scoop: In light of its stunning success using Social Media during the largest nursing strike in U.S. history, the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) has become known as one of the Labor movement’s leading voices on how to use Social Media effectively and strategically. “Share This! Labor Unions and Social Media” is MNA’s free gift to the Labor community at large. Pulling back the curtain to reveal every best practice and strategic decision that has gone into MNA’s amazing Social Media success, this interactive, video-enhanced e-book allows Labor Unions to leverage Social Media to Engage Members, Impact Negotiations, Drive Mainstream Media Coverage and Shape Public Opinion.