Minnesota Nurses Association Recognizes the Trauma Related to Chauvin Trial

The Minnesota Nurses Association recognizes that the beginning of the Chauvin trial may be traumatic for our nurse members, especially for our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color members. MNA nurses sympathize with our fellow members as this may rekindle the traumas they have seen and experienced, whether it’s at the bedside, in the community, or to themselves.

MNA nurses have seen and heard from patients, coworkers, and employers about the controversy over the trial from the beginning, and those who wish to debate the facts of systemic racism continue to try to debate, insult, and create conflict with nurses. This has forced MNA nurses to turn away, remain silent, and ignore this race-baiting as they attempt to provide patient care.

Your brothers and sisters at the bedside sympathize and stand with you as this trial continues. Just as nurses care for all patients, regardless of their gender, race, religion, or other status, we care for each other. We both encourage and embrace all MNA members throughout this difficult time and beyond. We offer comfort, counseling, and peace as needed.

We hope the trial delivers justice for all. We demand that systemic change take place to finally stop these atrocities once and for all. We again pledge to work to end all forms of racism, from the direct hate-filled actions to the more subtle slights and put-downs the BIPOC Community has endured for centuries. Racism has no place in our healthcare systems, our union, or our society.

MNA calls on every employer, every institution, and every fellow Minnesotan to support our BIPOC Community members during this time and offer them help and understanding in the coming weeks.