Politics (Page 19)


The Moral Test of Government    Romney and Ryan and their corporate backers know this, and both candidates have challenged the very idea of a worker’s right to stick together and bargain for basic rights — including fair pay, health care and retirement benefits.

Mid-Level Jobs Squeezed in Economic Forecast   “The big story is there’s a lot of jobs at the top end and bottom end, but not a lot of jobs in the middle,” said Drew Digby, the region’s labor analyst for DEED. “There is a continuing squeeze for manufacturing and government jobs while classic middle class jobs, like teachers, will be harder and harder to get.”

Steelworkers Reach Tentative Agreement   U.S.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, Sept. 4, 2012: Labor Day reflections; Nurses on cleanup duty  »


More Injured Employees, Fewer Doctors at Minnesota Security Hospital    Employee injuries at the Minnesota Security Hospital in St. Peter, state’s largest facility for the mentally ill and dangerous, increased sharply this year as the number of permanent psychiatrists dropped from six to one and security practices have put counselors into closer contact with patients.


Minnesota Lagged Nation in Growth of Public Health Coverage for Kids   The growth of public health insurance coverage helped blunt the impact of the recession for many kids across the country, but a new study suggests the dynamic didn’t hold true in Minnesota.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, August 29, 2012: Employee safety concerns at MN Security Hospital; MN kids health coverage down  »


National Nurses United’s RoseAnn DeMoro Named to Top 100 Most Influential Health Care List for 11th Straight Year   DeMoro, who is number 36 on the list of 100, is one of only eight people to be named to the list for each of the 11 years it has been compiled. She is also one of only two women to be named every year on a list that is dominated by figures in government and corporate healthcare institutions.


Unsafe Nurse-to-Patient Staffing Ratios are a Key Cause of 98,000 Preventable Deaths Each Year    Registered nurses form the backbone of this system, providing triage and treatment. 
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, August 28, 2012: DeMoro tops; RN staffing & preventable deaths; Collectiving cargaining on MI ballot  »


Massachusetts Latest State to Outlaw Mandatory Nurse Overtime    “Nurses want to get up, prepare for their shift, take the best care of their patients, and then know there is relief at the end, that there is somebody to carry on the care of that patient to a successful outcome,” said staff nurse Donna Kelly-Williams, RN, president of the Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MNA/NNU).

Muskegon, MI:  Nurses, Patients Gain with New Contract    The registered nurses at Mercy Health Partners-Hackley Campus have negotiated a new contract that improves patient-to-nurse staffing and creates a safe environment for nurses and patients.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, August 16, 2012: MA nurses get OT ban; Charity care mischief exposed  »