Health Care Reform (Page 7)


MNA members are gathering at the headquarters office for a 3-day leadership skills tune up.   Read what Joe Howard said about his recent experience at an earlier training.

U.S. Rate of Premature Births Still at a “C;” Ranked with Somalia, Thailand and Turkey     The United States is slowly reducing its rate of premature births, bringing the rate to 11.7 percent in 2011, but the figure is still higher than public health advocates believe it should be.

Many Hospital Patients Receive Too Much Acetaminophen    Acetaminophen – sold as Tylenol – is a common painkiller on its own, but also an ingredient in stronger narcotics such as Percocet and Vicodin.
… Read more about: MNA Daily NewsScan, November 14, 2012: Too much Tylenol?; $10M tax break to hospitals  »