Bargaining (Page 28)

Hello fellow RNs-

Today was very interesting at the bargaining table. We were again greeted with coffee and bagels from our co-workers at St. Joes, thanks again for all of your support.

Today we put a proposal on the table that we thought expressed the concerns of our fellow RNs and sent a message to the employer that we are putting patient care first. We proposed that the employer accept our staffing proposal, our infectious disease proposal, our education proposal, and our proposal on technology. In exchange for this acceptance we proposed to drop several of our proposals in exchange for some of their proposals being dropped. 
… Read more about: HealthEast Bargaining Update (May 4)  »

From MNA Bargaining Team Member Lori Christian, RN

Today, we presented our proposals on health insurance, salary, and protecting union work.

Throughout these negotiations, management’s chief spokesman has said repeatedly that there is no analytical data that better nurse to patient ratios improve care.  We presented them with a study released this month which shows that “lower ratios are associated with significantly lower mortality…nurses’ burnout and job dissatisfaction were lower, and nurses reported consistently better quality of care.”

We continue to talk about the importance of safe staffing, but our concerns fall on deaf ears.
… Read more about: Methodist Bargaining Update (April 29)  »

From MNA Bargaining Team Member Kevin Campbell , RNC, Fairview Riverside

Today, we continued the dance of immobility. Management continues to ignore discussing topics important to staffing, patient safety and the MNA insurance plan. Your team continues to struggle with getting the hospitals to see that we are very serious about our proposals and very serious about safe patient care. Again we heard the mantra of being stewards of a shrinking revenue source and needing to have everything equal among all employees. (Except maybe the CEO!)

The hospital did present our team with a trio of options, all of which required your team to concede several major issues, while the hospital would give up one or two smaller issues.
… Read more about: Fairview Bargaining Update  »