MNA Blog (Page 140)

Recent news and updates from the Minnesota Nurses Association.

The brand-new, completely redesigned MNA Web site will be going LIVE this Wednesday, April 7, 2010! We hope you enjoy the new look and feel of the MNA site and that it provides you the information you need in a fast, friendly and easy-to-follow manner.

Two important changes to the new site include:

MNA Bargaining Update:  Wednesday, March 31st 1:00 p.m.

On March 31st, your MNA Bargaining team asked these questions of Allina management.   Management has not answered any of these questions.  The MNA Bargaining Team is anxiously awaiting answers.

Questions to Allina management:

Can you identify, specifically and in detail, how the proposals you put forward support patient safety and patient advocacy?   We have heard you using these terms, and want to understand them as you use them.   We need to know how gutting our contract – and the contract is agreed to jointly by you and us – helps support patient safety and patient advocacy.
… Read more about: Allina Bargaining UPDATE (March 31) from MNA  »

This morning MNA met with representatives from Allina to continue bargaining. MNA asked three clear questions related to Allina’s proposals:

  • Why put every nurse on call?
  • How does gutting our contract ensure patient safety?
  • How does the employers’ maniacal need for “flexibility” enhance safe patient care?

Allina officials did not respond to MNA with any clear answers to the questions above.

Feel free to print and share this flyer that summarizes today’s negotiations with other Nurses in your unit! We’ll also paste it below:

… Read more about: Allina Bargaining Update (March 31)  »

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) just released its initial findings from its 2008 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses.

You can view the entire report online, but below are some of the more interesting tidbits we found. (Note: This report is published every four years, so it mostly compares 2004 to 2008.)

RN Population

  • U.S. RN population grew from 2.9 – 3.1 million  (increase of 5.3%)
  • 84.8 percent (2.6 million) of RNs are employed in nursing (highest since 1977)
