MNA Blog (Page 137)

Recent news and updates from the Minnesota Nurses Association.

North Memorial Blog 4/27/2010
On Wednesday, April 21st we had a great turnout for our info picket authorization and sign up.  The hospital thought it necessary to employ multiple security and management personnel to kick RNs out of their own hospital and deny us our democratic rights to vote and meet.  We still had hundreds of RNs meet and sign up for informational picketing on the sidewalk.

On Tuesday, April 27 we had bargaining session #6, and they dumped the last 6 of their takeaway proposals on the table.  They talked about eliminating benefits for 0.4 RNs (including vacation, health insurance, sick leave) and their proposals to eliminate the MNA health insurance plans, 401K match & loyalty bonus.
… Read more about: North Memorial Bargaining Update  »

From Sydney Pederson, RN, Children’s Hospital St. Paul, who is a member of the MNA Children’s Bargaining Team:

(NOTE: Make sure to visit the Children’s Bargaining Page on the MNA Web site for other updates/etc on Children’s bargaining.

Never before has the employer asked for concessions of this size and scope.  The employer has chosen to pick a fight with Nurses, whose primary focus is providing safe patient care, ensuring the rights of patients and advancing nursing practice.

These negotiations have brought to light there is a national orchestration by hospitals employers to enforce the lowest acceptable standards of care n areas of patient safety, patient advocacy, and patient protecting.
… Read more about: Children’s Bargaining – An Insider’s View  »

Nurse – Jeanne Adomaitis, RN, Methodist

It was great to see all the nurses at bargaining today!  Unfortunately, management kept dozens of nurses waiting for 40 minutes.  For every other meeting they have been on time.

Karen Anderson, RN from Labor and Delivery, spoke eloquently about what it is like to be a nurse.

In addition to concerns about the current staffing process, we presented:

  1. A method to decrease the cost and increase the speed of grievances to go to arbitration.
  2. A plan to have an agreed-upon process for a fair and free choice to be unionized (ie Melrose).
  3. … Read more about: Methodist Bargaining Update (April 22)  »

Below is a video and transcript of an amazing statement given in today’s bargaining session (April 22) with Methodist Hospital by Karen Anderson, RN.



Karen Anderson, RN, Methodist Hospital
Everyday that we go to work we are responsible for the health and well-being of our patients.  Doctors rely on our extensive training and expertise to make accurate evaluations of their patients, and to take timely, thoughtful, and effective, actions towards keeping those patients safe and healthy.

We do this by working nights, weekends, and holidays, on long, physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting shifts. 
… Read more about: Methodist Hospital Bargaining Update (Video)  »

Day 4 of negotiations at the Fairview Table!

This is my fourth experience at the negotiations table and never have I felt like the sides were so far apart.  We continue to hear about take aways – take away my insurance, reduce my seniority rights, take away valuable benefits from our valuable nurses who work at .4FTE and more.

I am not hearing from management what can be done to ensure an appropriate environment to allow us to provide quality care for our patients.  What can we do to attract and keep intelligent, ambitious young men and women to nursing?
… Read more about: Fairview Bargaining Update  »