MNA RN Voices Make a Difference on Nurse Licensure Compact

MNA member Mary Kirsling wrote to her representative about her opposition to National Nurse Licensure.  Here’s why it is important to be alert and involved – we get results that mean the world to our patients!

A Note from Mary Kirsling:  “It is gratifying to have one’s representatives read and respond. And if anyone thinks that these emails lack power, I think the responses tell otherwise…

On Mon, 4/2/12, Kerry Gauthier <> wrote:

From: Kerry Gauthier <>
Subject: Re: national nurse licensure
Date: Monday, April 2, 2012, 9:50 AM

Thank you for contacting me to share your opposition to Minnesota’s participation in the Nurse Licensure Compact, which was proposed in 2011 with the introduction of House File 462.

This legislation was first introduced in 2008 and has been reintroduced every year since then.  It has not received a hearing until last session.  I understand that House File 462 would allow nurses to use their licenses across state lines, both physically and electronically, as long as they establish a primary residence and obtain a state license in a state that has joined the compact.  Supporters of this legislation have indicated that this may help alleviate the nursing shortage and increase the overall efficiency of healthcare.

In 2011, House File 462 was heard, and approved, by the House Health and Human Services Reform Committee and the Government Operations and Elections Committee.  The MNA argued that allowing nurses who do not have a Minnesota license to practice in this state would inspire a “race to the bottom” and that it would allow nurses from states with less-comprehensive licensing systems to work in here.  In addition, the MNA believes that the bill poses a threat to patient safety. They argue that the coordinated licensure information system has not always worked and have examples of nurses with suspended licenses being allowed to practice in other states.

Ultimately, the proposal made in House File 462 was included in the Health and Human Services omnibus finance bill, Senate File 760, which was vetoed by Governor Dayton on May 24th, 2011.  In fact, Governor Dayton specifically indicated his concern about the inclusion of policy matters, such as the Nurse Licensure Compact, in his veto letter:

“We must agree that budget bills cannot be vehicles for divisive policy provisions.  SF 760 includes several problematic policy provisions.  Of particular concern in this bill are:

Nurse licensure compact: The Nursing Compact will introduce multi-state licensure and compromise Minnesota’s high quality nursing standards by issuing an open invitation to any nurse practicing anywhere in the country, while ignoring our academic and clinical requirements.”

The measure was not included in the final budget agreement that was enacted during the 2011 special session.  This year, H.F. 462 was again heard in the Health and Human Services Finance Committee on March 29th and re-referred to the Ways and Means Committee.  In addition, I understand that the measure is available to be taken up on the Senate floor.

If this proposal advances to the House floor, I will certainly keep your opposition in mind as I make my final voting decision.

Thanks again for your email and please stay in touch.


Kerry Gauthier
State Representative