MNA announces appointment of new Executive Director   


Contact: Lauren Bloomquist
(c) 651-376-9709

(St. Paul) – September 27, 2024 – The Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) Board of Directors has named Elaina Hane the new Executive Director.

Elaina Hane brings over five years of experience in the labor industry, previously serving as an MNA Labor Relations Specialist, MNA’s Manager of Governance and Policy, MNA’s Manager of Field Operations, and most recently the Interim Executive Director position to which she was appointed in January of this year.

Hane also brings to the position over 17 years of experience as a registered bedside nurse, during which she was an active member of the Minnesota Nurses Association, serving on her bargaining unit’s negotiating team, as an elected delegate to MNA’s House of Delegates, and as a member of MNA’s Board of Directors, among other roles.

“We are pleased to announce the hiring of Elaina Hane as our new Executive Director,” said MNA President Chris Rubesch, RN. “Elaina brings with her a long history of leadership within MNA and we are confident that her experiences and commitment to MNA will help us accomplish our goals in the years to come.”

Excited to be appointed to the role, Hane shared, “I am proud and grateful to be serving the nurses and other healthcare workers who have chosen MNA to help them build their power and fight back against corporate healthcare to protect their patients and our communities.”
