Letters Sent

Opposition of SF 2302, the bill to establish the Nurse Licensure Compact in Minnesota – Sent to members of the Senate, opposing SF 2302 before the Floor vote on March 6, 2022

Letters Signed

Support of HF 2774, a bill that would establish warehouse distribution worker safety requirements – Sent to members of the House of Representatives, Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan to voice support for HF 2774, a bill that would establish warehouse distribution worker safety requirements, providing warehouse workers the transparency they need to be safe and successful.

Opposition of SF 919 and as amended by the A2 amendment– Sent to Senator Eric Pratt, Chair of Senate Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy, and committee members, from the Coalition to End Wage Theft, to oppose SF 919 and as amended by the A2 amendment as they would weaken the 2019 Wage Theft Prevention Act meant to protect working people.

Support of Governor Walz’s budget proposal– Sent to Representative Paul Marquart, chair of the House Taxes Committee, and committee members to voice support for Governor Walz’s approach in his budget to invest in Minnesotans, their families, and communities.

Opposition of HF 3717’s extension of the current reinsurance program – Sent to Rep. Zack Stephenson, chair of the Commerce Finance and Policy Committee, and committee members to oppose extending HF3717’s extension of the current reinsurance program

Opposition of any proposals that lower the assumed rate of return for pension funds without first doing a comprehensive analysis and having up to date experience studies – Sent to the members of the Pension Commission by the Public Employee Pension Coalition (PEPC) to oppose any proposals that lower the assumed rate of return for pension funds without first doing a comprehensive analysis and having up to date experience studies