By Becky Nelson, RN, CCRN, CPAN

Chair, Health and Safety Committee
Chair, Health and Safety Committee
Back injuries. Needlesticks. Workplace violence. Chronic fatigue related to shift work. Building security. Bullying. PPE failures. Ergonomic problems. Environmental allergies. There isn’t a part of your professional life that the Health and Safety Committee at MNA wouldn’t address at some point.
The Health and Safety committee is currently working on tabulating and analyzing injury reports from represented facilities across the state and more, and are looking to fill out our membership roster with passionate, dedicated nurses from the Metro area and Greater Minnesota. Do you have a passion for occupational health? We need you. Looking to get more involved in your union? We need you. Have a couple of hours every other month to serve your fellow nurses? We need you.
An MNA committee obligation is a three-year term. The Health and Safety committee meets six times annually during the odd months. We would love to have you join! The meetings will be every other month in odd months on the fourth Thursday from 9:30-11:00 a.m. at the MNA office.
You can find the appointment consideration form here: