Yes to Invest

From the MNA Board of Directors:

The MNA Board of Directors is hopeful it can increase funding in the following areas if members approve the dues structure change. While we would have to still determine exact amounts, the Board is committed to using the extra funding in the following ways:

1. Increase resources that can be used towards achieving safe staffing
2. Additional funds to be dedicated to the strike fund
3. Expand member resources related to defense of nurse’s legal and contractual rights whether through an arbitration or
administrative process
4 Establish a member release time budget for nurses interested in helping build the union by participating in various union campaigns, including contract, organizing, legislative, and electoral, which would allow them to do so without being economically impacted
5. Strengthen the MNA education program by hiring a dedicated nurse educator to provide members with access to free certification courses such as BLS, PALS and ACLS. While some employers already provide needed education, those certifica- tions don’t always meet the national standards, which allows members to carry those certifications from hospital to hospital. An in-house MNA educator would allow members to obtain these nationally standardized certifications through MNA rather than through their employer. For our members with employers that continue to provide these nationally certified classes, an MNA educator would provide more practice-related classes more frequently and in more areas. This would allow other staff to focus on expanding other areas of our education program, such as online education, webinars, and more.

A YES vote would mean that MNA could enhance its efforts in each of the above areas. A NO vote means
maintenance of the status quo. Feel free to contact the MNA office if you have any further questions or concerns.

Sign up to be a delegate and attend MNA’s annual convention to help make organizational decisions.
Two simple steps: Fill out the consent to serve as delegate form and Register for MNA Convention October 5-8! You can contact Jodi Lietzau at to register.