Media Advisory: MNA nurses at Buffalo Hospital set Aug. 2 informational picket

Barb Brady
(office) 651-414-2849
(cell) 651-202-0845
barbara.brady@mnnurses.orgRick Fuentes
(office) 651-414-2863
(cell) 612-741-0662

(Buffalo) –   July 22, 2017 – MNA nurses at Buffalo Hospital are planning an August 2 informational picket to draw the public’s attention to Allina Health’s failure to bargain a fair contract with them.

“Nurses are asking Allina Health to negotiate a fair contract that works for both parties,” said Debra Kosciolek, RN. “Allina is attempting to impose a new scheduling system that would harm the hospital’s ability to recruit and retain nurses. It would interfere with nurses’ ability to plan and use their scheduled time off. The proposed compensation for this is significantly below minimum wage and nearly half of what is paid in Monticello and Metro Allina hospitals.”

The proposed system would require nurses to be available to come to work within 30 minutes on days they’re not scheduled to work.

“This unlimited on-call scheduling would interfere with nurses’ ability to care for their families and enjoy normal activities.” said Kosciolek.

Allina is also forcing nurses to give up their health insurance plans and move to inferior corporate plans.

What: MNA nurses informational picket

When: 2-6 p.m., August 2, 2017

Where: Corner of Highway 25 and Catlin St., Buffalo
