The Star Tribune’s Coverage: An MNA RN Shares Her Thoughts

To whom it may concern,

I have been saddened by your biased coverage of this entire journey with the nurses and hospitals. I am a nurse of 15 years and appalled by your choice of front page articles related to this event. Giving out Nurses income numbers(that were totally inaccurate), to talking to “so called nurses” that do not back the strike and were going to cross the picket line, just to name a few. Where are the articles that have the hospital administrators incomes and bonuses, or where is the story about doctors and hospital members that do not support what the hospitals are doing and back the nurses. You have made my job of correcting your inaccurate coverage to friends and family very difficult. The News/Media is supposed to report current events unbiased and fair. You have failed at this multiple times and now have a lot of nurses that will never subscribe to your paper again. It is clear you are a anti- union paper. I will talk to anyone and everyone that will listen to what I have to say about your paper. Very sad. I grew up with your paper and will never get it again.

— Anne Kohorst, RN