Labor Laws: Putting Advocacy into Action

What’s the value of being a union member? We are glad you asked! These classes explore the rights of union members and the benefits of engaging with your union as well as the greater labor community.

Labor History: Your Rights and Defend Your Rights: What can the early labor leaders teach us today? Learn to defend your Weingarten Rights, Duty to Fair Representation, and Protected Concerted Activity. Sign up to learn the ULP – NLRB – ABCs of labor rights.

Contract 101 & New MNA Member Orientation: This training prepares union leaders to welcome new members to MNA and maintain mentor relationships to ensure a strong and vibrant future for the organization. Do you know how old your contract is? How did negotiations team negotiate certain articles in the contract?

Anti-Union Laws & What to Do About Them: Learn the history and impact of the so-called “Right to Work” laws. Learn about the Janus vs. AFSCME Supreme Court Decision and how it will impact MNA and our fellow union members. Explore the ways RWT could become a reality and what strategies can you employ in your bargaining unit to keep your membership active and engaged.

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