Nurses Care Nurses Vote

This is an independent expenditure prepared and paid for by the Minnesota Nurses Association Political Committee (#30245), 345 Randolph Ave. #200, Saint Paul, MN 55102. It is not coordinated with any candidate, nor is any candidate responsible for it.


Elections are critically important for nurses, patients, and working families.

MNA members are needed to make sure that candidates who share nurses’ values are elected.

If we hope to make progress towards passing legislation that will keep patients safe and protect nurses on the job, nurses need to help make sure voters to go the polls and elect candidates who will advocate for nursing, our patients, and our communities.

Nurses are the most trusted profession in the United States and the best messenger to let voters know about the candidates who will be on the side of working families.

MNA offers many opportunities for members to get involved, like phone banking, door knocking, attending events, and other actions.  Check out the Volunteer Calendar for opportunities. You can find your legislative district and representatives here. Fill out this form to get your personalized voting information.

You can make a difference!

To get involved, contact:

Jackie O’Shea, Political Organizer

Cameron Fure, Political Organizer

Aaron Woida, Political Organizer