MNA Blog (Page 125)

Recent news and updates from the Minnesota Nurses Association.


Several Twin Cities Hospitals illegally locked out Twin Cities RNs today by not following language in the labor contract regarding how Twin Cities nurses are supposed to be called (or not called) back to work. Some hospitals also did not follow the contract language dictating that nurses are supposed to be called back by seniority. MNA has filed Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charges with the National Labor Relations Board.

Hospitals involved include:

On behalf of over 7,200 flight attendants at pre-merger Northwest Airlines (now Delta Air Lines), I convey our group’s message of solidarity and support for the Minnesota Nurses.  Some of my colleagues and I attended the vigil last night in Saint Paul and we were  inspired by the energy from the speakers and those in attendance.  It shouldn’t surprise any of us that so much of our focus is the same, no matter what the industry.  Staffing, wages, working conditions, recognition — all of these important themes are shared struggles within our movement.

The flight attendants at Northwest (Delta) have had collective bargaining rights for over 62 years. 
… Read more about: Support from Flight Attendants Union!  »

My name is Stephanie Payne and I am a nursing student at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities and also work as a NST at UMMC-University campus.  I would just like for you and all the nurses to know that I believe in what the nurses are fighting for and I know many of my other nursing student friends are also in full support of the RNs.

I have come from a family of union workers and know first hand the meaning of picketing and standing up to management!  My dad was a member of the Northwest Airlines mechanic’s union, AMFA, and was one of the many mechanics on strike in the Summer/Fall of 2005.  
… Read more about: Letter of support from RN Student  »

Statement of Jim Monroe, Executive Director, Minnesota Association of Professional Employees in support of Minnesota nurses on strike June 10

“The Members of the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees stand by Twin City nurses today in support of a fair contract.
Hospitals should listen to their nurses.  On a daily basis, nurses are on the front line providing medical care that prevents pneumonia, deaths due to falls, infections, medication errors and other complications that lead to extended stays and death. When a loved one is sick, people need to know that there is a nurse available to watch over their family member.

When nurses request lower patient loads, it is not a union scare tactic.

Children’s Nurses in Minneapolis: Today our nurses were abruptly escorted out of the building by security – NICU by 3:00 a.m., PICU by 5:00 a.m. In addition to this haphazard dismissal and poor reporting procedures, Children’s management saw fit to send Emergency Department nurses home between 2:00-3:00 a.m., locking down the ED doors and keeping patients out! One of our nurses showing up for work early this morning found himself locked out and a family with an ER patient also locked out and confused what to do next. Our Children’s nurse banged on the glass and pounded on the doors until someone finally heard him and let him AND the patients our hospital is supposed to be serving into the previously locked Emergency Department, which didn’t have any security or anyone else monitoring the door from the vestibule.
… Read more about: Children’s Minneapolis Nurses: Strike Updates & Request  »

Congressman Keith Ellison

For Immediate Release Contact: Micah Clemens
Thursday, June 10, 2010 202.225.4755

Congressman Ellison Stands in Solidarity with Minnesota Nurses

Supports Legislation to Increase Nurse Staffing Levels

Washington, D.C. — Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) announced his support for the 12,000 members of the Minnesota Nurses Association who began striking at 7 a.m. this morning. Registered nurses from 14 Twin Cities hospitals are walking the picket lines to demand safe nurse staffing levels, which are critical to improve patient safety and care. Nurses also are fighting a proposal to reduce their pensions to 1960s levels.
… Read more about: Congressman Ellison Stands with Us in Our Fight for Safe Patient Care  »

Because We Care

John Gunyou
Remarks at Vigil for Patient Safety
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, St. Paul
June 9, 2010

Thank you for the opportunity to be here tonight. I want you to know that Margaret and I are very proud to stand with you for patient safety and well being.

My sister is an RN, and has been a pediatrics nurse for more than 35 years. I told her about tonight, and asked what she had learned about nursing over her long career. Here’s what she told me.

While there’s always a need for advanced medical treatment & technology, what patients most need is intelligent, high-quality, nursing care.
… Read more about: Because We Care: Remarks from Lt. Gov. Candidate John Gunyou at Patient Care Vigil  »