HealthEast HomeCare Nurses Visit D.C., Advocate for MNA

To all MNA nurses,

The NNU just had their first National Conference in Washington DC, May 9-12th.  Two other HealthEast Home Care nurses, as well as myself were privileged enough to be able to attend.  Support for the MNA was prevalent, as there were many nurses from many states, cheering and showing their support for MNA.  Linda Hamilton, President of MNA gave a rousing speech about your current contract negotiations.  It was amazing to hear that the same things they are fighting for, are the same things we, at HealthEast, are fighting for as well.  California has already implemented ratios, and the results have been amazing!  The biggest proof that ratios are making a difference is a decrease in mortality by 10%.  Saving lives is priceless!!  Not to mention, increased patient satisfaction, and nurse retention!

We were able to listen to nurses from other states and hear all their struggles, as well as their successes.  We also heard from Richard Trumka, President and AFL-CIO, Hilda Solis, U.S Secretary of Labor, Helen Thomas, Washington DC journalist, and Barbara Boxer, U.S Senator, Congressman Keith Ellison to name a few.  All of these people supported the nurse’s fight for safer nursing!  My favorite was Al Franken, our own U.S Senator.  He spoke at Capitol Hill on May 12, the same day you were out on the streets for the informational picket.  Your fight was the first thing he mentioned on the lawn of the Nations US capitol, in front of hundreds of NNU nurses from all the states. The support for MNA nurses is not just your fight, but all nurses in the nation.  I want to make sure you all are aware that you have thousands and thousands of nurses that are cheering you on!

We were given red NNU scrubs to wear for the rally.  I cannot tell you how many people on the streets would stop us and ask us about our cause.  I was stopped in the House Office Building, Union Station, the Simthosian, and the airport to name a few. Every time we explained our cause, safer patient care, we received the same positive comments and support.  On the plane home last night, I sat next to a gentleman that also wanted to hear our cause.  Mind you this was about midnight, but he told me that where he lives, in Plymouth, our signs are all over his neighborhood.  All of our patients support our cause.

You go brothers and sisters!


Your new MNA sisters, HealthEast Home Care Nurses