Minnesota Nurses Association


Contact: Lauren Bloomquist
(c) 651-376-9709

(St. Paul) – September 27, 2024 – The Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) Board of Directors has named Elaina Hane the new Executive Director.

Elaina Hane brings over five years of experience in the labor industry, previously serving as an MNA Labor Relations Specialist, MNA’s Manager of Governance and Policy, MNA’s Manager of Field Operations, and most recently the Interim Executive Director position to which she was appointed in January of this year.

Hane also brings to the position over 17 years of experience as a registered bedside nurse, during which she was an active member of the Minnesota Nurses Association, serving on her bargaining unit’s negotiating team, as an elected delegate to MNA’s House of Delegates, and as a member of MNA’s Board of Directors, among other roles.
… Read more about: MNA announces appointment of new Executive Director     »

Contact:  Lauren Nielsen
(c) 651-376-9709

(St. Paul) – September 22, 2023 – On Thursday, an overwhelming majority of Allina’s Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) voted to be represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association.

“The conditions of our work have become unsustainable, as Allina has left us chronically short-staffed, leading to a high turnover rate. This means we can’t always respond to victims of violence, leaving them to either go to another hospital system or wait hours for a specialized nurse to respond. We want to be there for our patients who need our services, which is why we voted to have a collective voice in our workplace by unionizing with MNA,” said Stephanie Gunderson, an Allina SANE RN.
… Read more about: Allina Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners vote to affiliate with Minnesota Nurses Association  »

Written by Mary Kirsling, Retired RN from Essentia Health – St. Mary’s Duluth, Member of Honors & Awards Committee

I have been a member of the MNA Honors and Awards Committee for several years. While I have served on many committees, this is my favorite. We have the privilege of learning about nurses who excel–individuals who mentor, inspire, encourage, lead, educate, and innovate. As a previous recipient, I cannot overstate how thrilling it is and how much it means to receive one of these awards. Most recipients are unaware of the difference they make and recognition from peers is one of the best honors to receive.
… Read more about: Nominate someone to be honored by MNA  »

by Jackie Russell, RN, JD

Nursing Practice and Regulatory Affairs Specialist


The Commission on Nursing Practice and Education (“NP&E”) met on September 19 at the MNA office in Saint Paul. At the meeting, NP&E created a workplace violence subcommittee charged with writing a position paper and FAQs about workplace violence prevention and policy. The subcommittee consists of NP&E’s Chair, Lynnetta Muehlhauser, and Commissioners Niki Gjere, Angela Oseland, and Mischelle Knipe. Also, working on the issue with MNA  is Liesl Wolf, Doctor of Nursing Practice Candidate from the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Liesl will do a literature review focused on research around correlations between workplace violence and staffing, nurse fatigue, and nurses leaving the profession.
… Read more about: Nursing Practice and Education Commission Focuses on Workplace Violence  »

By Carrie Mortrud, RN

MNA Nurse Staffing Specialist


In August, nurses were informed that at least one major healthcare system employer was about to release results from a project they completed on “National Benchmarking.” This project has resulted in drastic proposed cuts to RNs, NAs, and other staff on most of the inpatient care units. At the same time, nurses up north were experiencing the same circumstances when they rejected unsafe assignments.

In response, MNA members asked for more tools and resources to be made available to nurses while in the middle of a staffing crisis.
… Read more about: MNA Quick Reference Card: What Is It And Why Do I Want One?  »

By Geri Katz

Manager of Practice, Education and Special Projects

and Megan Gavin

MNA Labor Representative


MNA member Hans-Peter de Ruiter, PhD, RN, has retired from the Minnesota Nurses Association Foundation Board of Directors after nine years of service, including five years as chair.


Hans has led the MNAF board in awarding scholarships and grants to promising students and nurses whose academic pursuits will help support MNA’s mission and goals and make real improvements in care and building power for nurses. Hans led the MNAF board in expanding scholarship offerings considerably.
… Read more about: Thank you to Dr. Hans-Peter de Ruiter  »

nurse workplace violence

By Jackie Russell, RN JD

Nursing Practice and Regulatory Affairs Specialist


The Commission on Nursing Practice and Education (“NP&E”) met on May 16, 2019 at the MNA office in Saint Paul. With so many changes in nursing practice as a result of Lean management and short staffing, the NP&E has recently made it a top priority of the commission to write three position papers or FAQs on relevant nursing practice topics before the end of the year.  The exact topics have not been decided, yet. Is there a practice issue you would like to see addressed? Email me at Jackie.Russell@mnnurses.org.
… Read more about: Nursing Practice and Education Commission Addresses Workplace Violence  »

MNA annually recognizes nurses who made important achievements in practice, research, activism and more at the Honors and Awards Ceremony at the MNA Convention. MNA nurses are doing incredible things in our communities! Do you know a nurse who has gone above and beyond and should receive an award and recognition of their work? The deadline for nominations for the MNA Honors and Awards is July 1.

Submit your nominations here!

*note originally published January 24


By Deb Meyer, RN

… Read more about: Don’t Miss Your Chance to Recognize the Outstanding Nurses in Your Life  »Deb Meyer, RN
Practice and Education Commissioner

Practice and Education Commissioner

Nurses are doing great things every day, and we need to recognize these nurses, which we do annually at the the Minnesota Nurses Association Honors and Awards banquet during the annual convention in October. 

nurse workplace violence

By Jackie Russell, RN JD

Nursing Practice and Regulatory Affairs Specialist


Carrie Mortrud, RN

Nurse Staffing Specialist

“You need to work more efficiently!”

“You need to work smarter!”

“You need to work overtime!”


It’s called blaming the victim and all are highly inappropriate and unacceptable employer responses following an assault. Victim blaming is a poor defense. In fact, there is no good defense for assault. No excuses either.

The employer must stop blaming the employee-victim for an assault. The employer must take responsibility for their employees’ safety.

By Chidinma Nwanekpe, RN, BSN, MPH

GAC Commissioner, Mental Health Nurse at St. Joseph’s


Working on my unit has exposed me to a lot of issues our mental health patients go through, but the most prominent one is homelessness.

For example, here’s a patient we’ll call “Mr. J.” Mr. J had been in the hospital for seven days when I arrived at work one day. In a mental unit, it’s not uncommon for patients to be reported as loud, upset, disrupting unit activity, and not heeding re-direction. Mr. J said he had been in the hospital for quite a while, didn’t know where to go after he was discharged because he was homeless.
… Read more about: Mental Illness and Homelessness: A Cry for Help  »