MNA Nurses respond to the killing of a black Minnesotan by Minneapolis Police


Contact:  Rick Fuentes
(o) 651-414-2863
(c) 612-741-0662

Amber Smigiel
(o) 651-414-2849
(c) 651-202-0845

“As nurses, we see the horrific effects of racism in our hospitals and community every day. We cannot remain silent as yet another black man has died at the hands of police. Last night, George Floyd, a black Minnesotan, was pinned to the ground as he repeatedly told the white police officer he could not breathe. Even after Mr. Floyd’s body went limp, the police officer continued to use his knee and full body weight to pin him down until a stretcher was brought to take him away. George Floyd’s last words were “I can’t breathe.” George Floyd died shortly after arriving at the hospital.

In a hospital or clinic, when a person says “I can’t breathe” they are immediately swarmed by medical professionals who triage the situation and treat them immediately. They work hard to save lives. In the case of George Floyd, Minneapolis Police took no care or life-saving measures. Instead, they left him pinned down to the ground until paramedics arrived. Police ignored the pleas of George Floyd and he died.

Nurses care for all patients, regardless of their gender, race, religion or other status. We expect the same from the police. Unfortunately, nurses continue to see the devastating effects of systematic racism and oppression targeting people of color in our communities. We demand justice for George Floyd and a stop to the unnecessary death of black men at the hands of those who should protect them.”
