Why I’m supporting Erin Murphy for Governor

By Kate Drusch, RN-ICU

Kate Drusch
Kate Drusch, RN-ICU
MNA Member

MNA Member


The things we hope will become real can only become reality through actual experience. St. Paul State Representative Erin Murphy can be our next Governor because of her experience as a leader in Minnesota. Murphy is a tireless, incredible organizer.  She has brought people together to help elect her to her House seat again and again since 2006. She went on to work hard to win the House Majority Leadership in 2012, one of the most powerful positions in Minnesota.  Working like the “charge nurse” of her side of the state’s House of Representatives, she was able to push through improvements in MinnesotaCare and more of our biggest and best legislative accomplishments in those two years.


Just like us, the 22,000 MNA nurses in Minnesota who have families, work, and volunteer, Murphy is a nurse who serves the community. She understands the needs of patients and working families’ stories. Murphy has partnered with business owners in her community. She has heard the lamenting for healthcare needs from patients, families, and business owners.  She understands healthcare from the inside.


When I met Murphy I was struck by her genuine passion for leadership and her authenticity. Murphy gives thought to her actions.  She does not dodge hot topics but embraces them. Murphy has lived and worked in in a rural settings, held county tours as House Majority Leader, and organized house parties across the state during this campaign. I believe that Erin Murphy will be the Governor who cares for all Minnesotans.


We, as nurses, have a voice and have no ceiling to what we can become. Together can make a difference by voting this election. It is a unique time in history for nurses to elect one of our own.