Minnesota lawmakers met at the Capitol on Tuesday to discuss ways to combat the spread of synthetic drug abuse that his hit Duluth, Hibbing, and other places spread wide across the state. The newly-formed “Select Committee on Controlled Substances and Synthetic Drugs” created by House Speaker Paul Thissen and headed by Duluth State Representative Erik Simonson is charged with holding hearings across the state and reporting back to the legislature by February 25th with recommendations.
Unlike traditionally banned drugs, manufacturers of synthetic drugs, often referred to as “bath salts,” are continually creating different drug formulas in a response to the banning of chemicals used to make the synthetic substances, which effectively replaces banned chemicals with new ones. Manufacturers are staying one step ahead of law enforcement officers.
MNA nurses see the damage done by synthetic drugs firsthand, and they’ve been speaking up about the increase in this type of drug use,. They report patients admitted with physical symptoms such as vomiting, seizures and escalated blood pressure as well as psychiatric symptoms such as paranoia, hallucinations, and violent psychosis. The devastation to the health of the user and their families, as well as the violence and crime related to the drug usage continues to destroy the social structures in these hard hit communities. Additionally, the increase in violence coming from patients under the influence of synthetic drugs continues to endanger other patients and those who care for them. The Minnesota Nurses Association is very supportive of the charge of this committee and is committed to helping find a solution that will prevent further damage to these patients and communities.
In Hibbing, Fairview Range University Medical Center-Mesabi’s psychiatric unit has seen a dramatic increase in admissions related to synthetic drugs and related violence on the unit. Hospitals in Duluth, Winona and other cities have identified similar increases in patient numbers and the violent behavior associated with synthetic drugs.
Tuesday’s hearing focused primarily on testimony from experts on the subject of synthetic drugs including Cody Wiberg, Executive Director of the MN Board of Pharmacy, Violet Stephens, Foresnic Scientist with the BCA, and Brian Marquart, the Statewide Coordinator for the Law Enforcement Task Forces.
After hearing extensive testimony from the expert panel, the committee discussed options for moving forward including the idea of a “controlled substances omnibus bill” that would look at multiple approaches to fixing the problem. Possible solutions discussed were outlawing paraphernalia commonly used to take the synthetic substance, broadening the authority of the MN Board of Pharmacy to adopt an emergency rule declaring certain substances to be synthetic drugs, and heightening the ability of the Minnesota Attorney General deal with synthetic drugs on a broader scale.
The committee will continue to meet over the legislative break, with the next meeting convening in Brainerd at Central Lakes Community College on Thursday, August 22 starting at 5:30 PM. A September meeting of the taskforce is also being planned.
The committee is actively seeking input from the public on suggestions for related topics to discuss or focus on at the next meeting. If you have specific issues, information, or evidence related to synthetic drugs that you would like addressed, please contact committee chair, Representative Erik Simonson at rep.erik.simonson@house.mn.